Thursday, October 11, 2012

Undersea Theme Quilt Set

This set was a fun and challenging project I completed a couple weeks ago for a baby boy who is due in November.  The parents are decorating his nursery in an undersea theme.  I was given free reign to design it however I liked, with only one stipulation--somewhere there needed to be a reference to the New York Yankees.

Undaunted, I dove right in!!

First is the crib quilt.  I included every cute ocean critter I could think of without completely overwhelming it!

That tan fabric really looks like sand!  I was thrilled to find it at Hobby Lobby!  And the crab?  Yeah, I like him.

Here is our friend octopus, sporting his ball, bat, and Yankees cap. Should make Daddy right proud!

It wouldn't be complete without a friendly dolphin, would it?

Tropical fish swimming quietly in their undersea world.
Gurgle, gurgle....

Can't forget the sea turtle.  Such a cool dude.

My favorite critter?  Definitely the seahorse, hiding among the seaweed.

The Don't Be Crabby bib... and a taggy cube, naturally.

Since I put a lot of time and mental energy into sets like this, I was ready to take a break from baby stuff for a while.  So, I started a hand-appliqued project for myself the other day.  I'm not in any rush to get it done.  I just want to enjoy the process of all those tiny stitches.

Problem is, I just can't stay away from the baby stuff for long.  I pieced a baby girl patchwork pink and green quilt today and plan to put it up for sale tomorrow.  My goal is to make ten quilts in ten weeks, charge $100 apiece for them, and bring in $1,000 more for Abby and Jonathan's outgoing expenses.  That goal sounded ridiculous when it came out of my mouth, but since thinking it over more, I'm convinced it is doable.  

Let me know if you would like a simple patchwork baby quilt or lap quilt.  A hundred dollars may seem like a lot of money for a quilt, but really it isn't.  Quality quilting fabrics are not inexpensive.  And hours of work go into making the quilt itself.  They way I look at it is this.  Anyone can walk into Target and buy a baby gift.  But very few people give a custom made baby gift.  Handmade is special and eventually becomes an heirloom.  And besides ALL that, it's going to a really great cause!!


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